Thursday, May 31, 2012


I'm a huge fan of Huntington Library & Botanical Gardens in Pasadena, California and am lucky enough to live less than a mile away so I often find myself strolling the grounds here. One of my favorite spots to hang out there is inside the 16,000 square foot Rose Hills Foundation Conservatory, opened in 2005. This gorgeous greenhouse features three different sections: a tropical rain forest, a cloud forest and carnivorous plant bog, as well as a plant lab with lots of cool hands-on botanical experiment stations. It's also home to the Huntington's infamous corpse plant, (Amorphophallus titanum) whose rare stinky bloom every few years attracts thousands of spectators (and probably just as many flies). I snapped some shots on a recent visit. These photos only show a few sections and hardly capture the grandeur of this stunning greenhouse. I'll post more photos in future entries. But here's a taste of what's to be found inside.


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